Kitchen Conversions
So if you’ve ever checked out some more of this blog, you’ll know that I like to tinker in the kitchen. The kids and I are notorious for baking up a storm on a rainy day and then making deliveries to our neighbors because there is absolutely no need for me to have that many baked goods in the house. I don’t want that level of sugar-crazy around!
I’ve been struggling with the US to metric conversions in recipes, so I finally made myself some cheat-charts to keep in the kitchen for the most common conversions instead of googling Fahrenheit to Celsius all the time. In honor of finally creating these charts, I made a damn tasty gingerbread loaf. It may be summer here, but it’s still Christmas time - sort of ;)
Pop Quiz: How many cups of butter in 115g?
My four most-Googled conversions are:
Fahrenheit to Celsius
Butter - cups/tablespoons to grams (Why are why aren’t there easily marked sticks of butter here?)
Flour - cups to grams
Sugar - cups to grams
I hope you find these as helpful as I do! I’ve given my cheat sheets (misspellings and all) a place of prominence on the fridge so I never have to Google the same conversions again.