Four months ago today I met the coolest little man ever.
In the spirit of everyone's favorite magazine (US Weekly, naturally) Here are 25 things you don't know about Robert.
1) I'm about 27 inches long.
2) According to some baby clothes manufacturers, that puts me in 9 month clothes.
3) I weigh about 15 pounds.
4) And I'm packing them on thanks to a steady diet of momma's milk.
5) I have my dad's dimples and am a lady killer.
6) I prefer to suck on two fingers at a time. One measly thumb isn't enough.
7) My voice is AWESOME. I like to sing a lot. At the top of my lungs.
8) I sleep in my very own crib now because I outgrew my bassinet and mom and dad wanted their room back.
9) I have the coolest sock collection.
10) I'm a boob man (see #4)
11) I love to travel. I've been on 3 trips already, and I have 3 more scheduled in the next 6 weeks.
12) I get a massage every night before bed. 'Cause that's how I roll.
13) My favorite song is "The Clean Diapers" song. It is a Jon Nash original.
14) I have a fish mobile over my bed.
15) I have two dogs, Rusty and Persephone. They think I smell good, especially after I poop.
16) My favorite music video is Lady Gaga's "Applause"
17) I'm really good at pooping (see #15 - The dogs like me! They really, really like me!)
18) I started rolling over from front to back at 1 month.
19) Blue is my favorite color.
20) The longest stretch I've ever slept is 12.5 hours. My mom wishes I would do that every night, but I don't because I want to keep her on her toes.
21) I totally kill it every week at swim class. I might be the next Michael Phelps.
22) I went through a horse lips phase, but I am so over that now. That was so three months.
23) I have an extensive pacifier collection.
24) My dad made my crib. He also gives me a bath every night, which I love.
25) Walks are the best. I love being outside.