Mokoroa Falls
This weekend we explored a new track and waterfall. The weather is still quite hot in the sun but absolutely perfect in the shade, so we made the decision to forgo sweating on the beach and to enjoy a “tramp” through the Waitakere Range instead. A mere 45 minutes from Auckland is the trail head to reach the Mokoroa Falls. Mokoroa is quite close geographically to Muriwai Beach, but it will take nearly 45 minutes to drive from one to the other because of the winding roads through the range. Bethells Beach is a much shorter 22 minute drive if you want to make two stops on this day trip.
We weren’t quite sure what to expect on this tramp as the reviews were all over the place on everything: parking availability, length of time to make the walk, beauty of the falls. No would seemed to agree. We also weren’t sure if there would be an actual waterfall as there hasn’t been much rain lately. Would the stream be dried up and our trip be a dud?
As we drove to the Mokoroa Falls Track entrance, we made good time until about a kilometer from our destination when the paved road became a gravel road. When we made our final right turn, we discovered that the people who said there was little parking were absolutely correct. There was street parking for about seven cars on the left side of the road leading up to the entrance. The right side of the street had clearly posted “No Parking “ signs, though we later discovered that people park there anyway. Many people also parked down Horsman Road, adding up to an extra half kilometer to their trek before reaching the entrance. The lesson to be learned? Get there early!
Like most tracks these days, the Mokoroa Track has a foot washing station to prevent the spread of Kauri dieback disease. First, use the scrub brushes to get rid of any obvious debris. If needed, use the water squirter to spray off the remainder. Then press down on the foot platform to disinfect your shoes. After that, you’re free to go through. Often there is someone sitting at the gate to instruct people on proper use, but it is important to go through these steps even if no one is watching.
The view from the lookout.
The track itself is pretty easy. The slope isn’t too steep or difficult and it is well maintained. I don’t think I’d bring a jogging stroller on it as it is narrow, but I did see several families with kids in carriers. Something else to note: dogs aren’t allowed, not even on a leash. The walk from the gate to a stunning overlook of the waterfalls is around 1.3km and took us just over half an hour even with kids in tow. Once the kids saw the stunning waterfall from the overlook, they were highly motivated to walk down the STEEP stairs to get a closer look and explore.
We were not disappointed. There were two waterfalls pouring into separate pools. The kids could easily hop from rock to rock, exploring their surroundings and trying to make it up the waterfall wall. There was a path upstream that created more opportunities for exploring. The dry weather turned out to be a blessing as a lot of the creek bed was exposed, giving more opportunities for the kids to play on the rocks. After eating our picnic lunch on top of one of the bigger boulders (picnics are more fun that way!), we headed back up the stairs to start the uphill trek back to the car. We were fully prepared to have to carry one or both kids back up, but were pleasantly surprised when they BOTH managed to full walk back by themselves. There was some mumbling and complaining, but at 4 and 6 they were able to make it. That is a small - but important - victory.

At the end of this trip, everyone agreed that this was one of our favorite spots so far. There was so much more to do than just see a waterfall. The option to continue along the Mokoroa Stream track opens up lots of different opportunities as the kids get older and better equipped to make longer treks over rougher terrain. We’re also anxious to see what the falls look like once there’s been more rain. I think it will be like exploring a whole new waterfall once the water is rushing.